In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein
You may want to change your career or you may be looking for a new job. Whatever you do, job search is a job in itself.
In this episode of Success 10X Podcast, we discuss the top 5 Job Search Strategies that you must adopt to be successful. It always starts with a mindset that is open and a purpose.
You will specifically learn:
#Challenges in the job market
#Checklist for Job Seekers
#Common mistakes committed by job seekers these days
#What should job seekers do in their spare time?
About the Expert: Avil Pinto
Avil is an HR and supply chain professional based in Dubai. And he is the founder of Dubai jobs hunt a Facebook group. He is a ‘Careerpreneur’, a Toastmaster and a storyteller. He helps individuals to unlock their true potential through life and career coaching and personal branding.
Deepak Machado 0:13
Hello and welcome to Success 10X Podcast. My name is Deepak Machado. I'm a writer and a risk management professional. I'm also a Bitcoin enthusiast. In each episode of this podcast, we bring you an inspiring person or a topic to help you amplify your success 10X. This podcast is dedicated to you. If you are serious about your personal growth, career growth, financial growth and business growth. I hope this podcast will create a spark and ignite your desires to achieve higher success. Thank you for spending time with us today. And let the journey to success the next big thing Albert Einstein said in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
In today's episode of Success 10X podcast we will be talking about job search in the new normal. And to discuss this I have with me Avil Pinto I will is an HR and logistics professional. Avil is founder of Dubai Jobs Hunt Facebook group and is the most apt person to talk about this topic. I welcome to this episode of Success 10X Podcast.
Avil Pinto 1:24
Thank you, but I'm doing great. It's been a wonderful morning. Looking forward to this episode.
Deepak Machado 1:32
Yes, I believe and I was looking forward to this episode because this has become the most talked about topic these days. Job Search in the new normal. The new normal is for us this times some difficult times of COVID-19. And I have known people who have .... either lost their jobs or feeling it hard to find new jobs. So in your opinion, what are the challenges or I mean will be specifically talking about UAE today your situation may be different in different where you live. But overall, I see there are challenges in the economy. There are challenges in the job market. First of all, I would like to ask you are there jobs?
Avil Pinto 2:19
Good question. If you look around in UAE right now, if I go on or LinkedIn or Indeed, I see jobs that are vacancies available. Now, the demand versus the supply is so much that whether that vacancy would be available for that many applications that are filling in for that job, the challenges, less demand more supply. And that has been the challenge. So as you ask whether there are jobs, yes, there are jobs, that's a good news. But are there enough jobs? Unfortunately, not. Are there enough jobs for all the professionals, all industry professionals from every different background? Unfortunately not. Because COVID has disrupted everything. It's it's globally. There are job losses, businesses have lost lost momentum. There are companies are not there is no receivable, there is no profit, there is no revenues. So where would companies could afford to pay the employees or the staff. So there is downsizing there is redundancy, there is a complete restructuring so many things that are happening. So unfortunate, but there are ways that you could find yourself a job or doing something that can generate revenues for you. So we'll talk about it.
Deepak Machado 4:04
Great. I also see challenges in terms of new jobs coming into the market. Because I believe there has been some kind of as you said disruptions to the normal business that that has been happening. I also from my side see a lot of talent in the market. But opportunity are less? Yeah, whatever it is that we see today are not as as abundant that they were maybe a year back or six months back. My next question for you is I hear a lot of negative negativity from a lot of people when I talk to them in terms of availability of jobs or the challenges they're facing. What are the challenges? A typical job seeker would face these days?
Avil Pinto 4:54
Yes, yes. Okay. Now there have been people who have been veterans in this market who have had good mid level or senior level experience we've been here in the UAE and they're by far more than the the compensation that that could be challenging for organizations to afford or offer at these times. The first challenge is okay the age bracket of people, right organizations are looking for a young, dynamic, energetic, creative and who could boost the performance bring in new ideas Okay, that is one side of organization they're looking aton the second the other side other organizations who look for experience who look industry professionals, okay, but at the same time whether they can afford to hire Okay, at the given situation, the given budgets, right and that is been the trend that I see now the biggest airline in UAE Okay, they have cut down half of their almost half or at least a quarter of the employee strength now in such a situation, where would they go? Have they've been in job for 510 15 years, okay, although they have grown two to three levels, but how will they find similar industry jobs, okay, in the market, the first thing that comes is if somebody is compensated well, okay at market standards, right and we compare with hay or Mercer or other you know, salary structures, there are different levels. So, even if they have to go into a different industry, now, the different industry would say that, okay, you don't come with an industry experience. So, for me, it would be a challenge to to kind of give you that salary compensation. And, and this is predominantly remains a challenge until the time that the industry which is facing challenges would rise, okay, or come back to the new normal. So, tourism is affected, hospitality, businesses affected, travel is affected. And some of the trading companies are affected, okay, small and medium enterprises are affected. Now, all these people, though business owners, per se, it's for them, it's been a challenge to afford the same kind of salary which they were paying. So, that is that remains. Now, having said that, we spoke also about the the demand versus supply, now, there is a huge competition, okay. So, first two that I spoke about was a challenge and the third is a competition, the competition what happens is we are living in a very diverse market, there are over 145 nationalities working in this country. Now, people from different nationalities with great caliber competencies, skills, qualifications, they stand out, they do things which is probably gives them that upper hand to be hired. Okay. Now, there is something called diversity hiring, if you have noticed, you know, there were organizations who would like to hire people from different nationality cultures, okay? Which gives them a good blend, to call it as, as a diverse workforce. Okay. So then creating that, you know, unity, or are, we are from one country, or they want to cut these, these kind of work environment. And that's why organizations now prefer diversity. And while considering diversity, they would obviously prefer people from different countries, okay. Now, what happens is, if you are coming from Asia, and there's already enough of Asians in an organization, then they would probably prefer somebody from Europe, somebody who is an Arab national. And what happens is, even if there's a vacancy, even if there is a qualified Asian candidate who fits the opportunity, but they will prefer other nationality to fit that, or to be hired. And because of this, an asian would think that men I have the experience, I can see the vacancy on LinkedIn. I match 99% of the job but yet I am not considered. I'm not getting a response. Now, that's not your mistake, don't you know, blame yourself it is don't feel bad, it just that you need to look at organization's vision, purpose, their objectives, the way they see, you know, work environment and, and this is also one of the things that are training and the future of recruitment would be diversity hiring, and people should be aware of that. Now, in such a scenario, how would you deal with data overcome? Now what you need to do is then you should look at upskilling yourself into those that niche where there's high demand, okay, there's so much demand that they wouldn't consider any nationality or anything, but it is it is about you, it is about the skill It is about the competencies that is required to to fulfill that role through Yeah,
Deepak Machado 10:57
Yeah, thank you for explaining to me, I was not aware of this certain aspects or certain points, you mentioned about diversity and all explained to me a typical job search, how should a candidate these days look at job postings? Or is there a way or a checklist that you have developed or you whenever somebody comes to you Do you have any step by step guidance for them to look for jobs and apply for the jobs?
Avil Pinto 11:30
Fantastic, thank you for asking this I think this will set a good ground for any job seeker out there. First thing is I always say there should be a strategy there should be a plan. Now, if you if you intend to build a house, what would you do first, okay, who do you go to you probably go to an engineer or an architect to have a first blueprint and based on your affordability based on your budget, you will at least have a plan Okay, which place and what how big the house how many rooms and a basic structure you will have it in mind. So, this basic structure basic plan should be in your mind, right. So, when I say basic structure is what job that you are looking for, if you are a fresher, but if you are already an experienced, you know already that your What is your next role that you would like to take second thing is what company right now, the company also follows in a particular industry and when it's associated to certain industry. So, define what industry that you would ideally like to work for, whether it is fmcg or pharma, healthcare, e commerce or you know, education has so many industries today, and there are more industries that are emerging by the day that we speak. So, you should be very clear looking at have a plan of next 25 1015 years, see the trends see which industries are actually growing and thriving. And if you do research, if you follow stock exchange or if you follow equities, you will you will get to know what is the trend in the next five to 10 years, okay, is automobiles growing as education is growing in education industry, how's the trend in education, there's more more to do with now elearning digital learning fmcg fast moving consumer goods right, how many soaps will be sold, how many, how much of rice will be sold? I mean, if you see population is growing by the day and people have to fulfill their basic necessities. So, there is always a demand for certain basic industries okay, but how within that industry then choose the organizations Okay, who are strong, who are who have a great vision, great purpose, right. And these are the industries within that industry that organizations you need to target. So, which means that you should at least have a list of companies that you would desire to be working with that, like you should have a thought that I wish to work in this industry or in this company. Why? Because if I join in this company, then I can do ABCD I can help this organization to take to the next level I can bring in my expertise to give them solutions, the challenges I think, XYZ you have to think like a business owner, you have to think like a consultant, right? If I start working this organization, what I can do differently, how I can bring changes to the organization, how I can be part of their purpose and vision, why I would like to be part of that purpose and vision. Now when you start thinking that way, you are already in there. Okay, then you will start working on the next step. What is the next step? Let's say that companies posted a vacancy and then you look at the vacancy and then you say okay, now I have a vacancy which is matching my experience. Okay. Should I just send a CV that I have? Or should I tailor make my CV matching the expectations of the employer? So, the biggest drawback or biggest challenge or job jobseekers are facing is they have one CV and they send it to every vacancy there they see online Okay, whether it is a reference to do they see it on on the job portals or it is posted on LinkedIn or it is available on different job boards. Now, what is what is the challenge if you if you send one standard CV to all all the jobs of all the vacancies that you are applying, it's as as same as expecting one shoes fitting all sizes of the feet? Now, would one shoes fit all sizes? Okay, no. So similarly, your one CV would not fit in all the vacancies, because you may call an HR administrator or admin manager, or accountant, but every accountant role would have different job requirements or job expectations or a purpose in every different organization. So you cannot be saying that I'm an accountant, I have done ABCD let me send it, but read the job description. Okay, so we covered three steps. First is have a structure, which is a blueprint, which is a strategy of plan. Second is making a list of the industry. And the companies within those industries, make a list of 25 3040 or 50 companies, okay? Then target the job, right and look at do research. So this is what I want to emphasize research, what research is basically, within these companies, you can go to their website, go to career option, and submit, fill in your candidate submit CV, because it will go and be in the database of the HR. And you never know when there would be an vacancy and they might get in touch with you. So you cannot expect while researching that, okay, I'm applying I am expecting a job within one week or two weeks, it might take time, it might take a month or two months, three months, six months, depending on the relevant vacancies that opens up. So once that is done, then applying for the jobs while applying be very specific that you're like your CV, at least matches 70% to the to the job that you're applying. Now, you may not have all the experience a job is expected in the job that you're that you're applying. But what you can do is customize Okay, articulate understand the keywords of the job for the job that you're applying every job has certain keywords. Now, when you're applying the CV sometimes, you know by large nowadays, one vacancy thousand applications are issued. Is it humanly possible for HR or recruiter to screen all the thousand series? It's impossible. So they have different tools. They're different applications, we're in something called a DS applicant tracking system. So it goes through the ETS, and then they give the filters I'm looking for so and so experienced, they'll put the keywords, for example accounts, accountant, account receivables or accounts payable or bank reconciliation in other keywords, okay, balance sheet preparation, profit and loss, cash flow. Now, if these are the keywords, then they would put these keywords to filter the relevant candidate. They go one step further. Also, if I'm very clear that I want an individual from from this particular industry or this particular company, then they would even mention the company name. Okay. So for example, I work for engelmann and frieslandcampina. We are dairy cooperative. Okay. Now, if I want a person with that, you know, similar industry experience, I would pick somebody from Nestle or somebody from Arla, somebody from so different there are many companies, I would probably look at Unilever PNG, because these are the organizations by far fall in the you know, multinational level and with with the familiar scope with the fmcg because we are also fmcg. So if I, by putting that I know exactly who I'm targeting, right and therefore from thousand applications, I might straight. l eliminate probably 880 or 980 applications, I might get it to 20 and then I look at the 20 CVS, the relevant CV I pick up a call and speak to them and understand then out of 20 probably the five would be the top shortlist will be invited for interview Have you because sometimes not 20 will be available immediately to join. There are many, many reasons, okay? their compensation may not be by far match with what you have in budget. So you eliminate and then five, you I call the five, setup the interviews, and then the one offer later. So, the whole process here, what I'm trying to say is when you are applying, okay, be mindful that you should match 70% of the job description. Now, you may not have a job description, then what you do is download at least go to Google, Google your friend, look at at least five job descriptions for the job in UAE market, okay, job role, the nature would be similar, and pick up the top three, top three, success criterias for the job, okay. Now, if you read out the job description, they will mention knowledge of that. Okay, the experience of your receivables and payables.
And you will, you will notice that there would be top three to four must have requirement must have requirement. And I think that you should be very strong. Okay? Even if you're not strong in all four or five areas, but at least if you stand strong enough to then emphasize that in your CV, then what you do the thing what most people do is they focus on, oh, I don't have this experience, I don't have this qualifications, or what should I do, but look at what you already have. I think if you focus on what you already have, you will be more positive to apply for the role than thinking, Oh, let me apply. If I get by luck, by chance, you will get it. But don't apply with that mindset. So the thing is, then you need to really research research and prepare to put in what should be going in the CV. So I was talking last week, I was talking to a consultant and she told me, I will we're posting so many vacancies out there. Guess what there are people sending they have experience. But it's not targeted to the job that were applying, mix and match some generic experience generalist experience, the hour, they're not giving Exactly. From the from that experience, they can see they can read the CV, they can understand a recruiter, you can plug it in, but when they see send a CV to the HR or the prospective employer or their client, okay, they want someone who who is ready for them. Right. But just by tweaking the CV to what you have already done. I'm not saying build somebody else's experience in your CV, but you can still read through reword re articulate the sentences in your CV, it can make a huge difference, bring in those key words, emphasize put a clear title on your CV that okay, if you are applying for digital marketing, right, then you're you're title on your CV should be digital marketing. And then organization is also very clear that this person is very specific, very clear that what job that you would like to be working in or applying. So that makes a big, big difference. So this is the probably the fourth step. And fifth step is while you're doing this, you got to start preparing, you have to prepare, I see a big gap in preparation, that they want the job, but when I pick up when I ask them the questions, they go all over, they're not ready. Okay. You should know certain trends that are happening in the UAE the recent news or what is the job that how that industry is trending? And what is expected expectations from such industries. And if there are challenges that are faced by the organizations, the how a candidate or the job seeker should be prepared to deal with it. Now, when you start working towards it, when you start preparing, then you have enough content to speak. Right in the interview. And, and that comes to the fifth step, which is listing down the key important questions, what I should be, what what kind of questions I would be asked and how I can then respond to those questions. So most job seekers, they think that they have done they have worked, okay. They've been great to the previous employers, but in an interview, you have to be very Be ready with examples. Okay. You have to be ready with examples, references. And when I said references not references of your ex colleague or your previous manager, references of your results, your accomplishments, your achievements, okay? And these things when you speak, the other person on the hiring end would be more confident to hire you. So I think these are the five basic thumb rules, I would say, one should be prepared or be ready with during job search. Done. So there are more there are more deeper. But you know, we can go in detail by each subject, like research, what kind of things we can raise, but I think we can take another episode probably avoid detail.
Deepak Machado 25:32
Thanks for beautifully putting it, I have also been a culprit or I made the same mistakes when I was when I was in Dubai for the first time and, you know, tried to send my same CV to whoever asked for it, or wherever I found the vacancies. I sentd, maybe at the time, I didn't know. But thank you for highlighting these points are very important for job seekers, because the supply is limited. Sorry, yeah, supplies unlimited in terms of job seekers. But the supply of jobs are limited. Supply of job seekers are unlimited, but supply of jobs are very limited. So you have to be laser focused in your job search. So if you're looking for a job, you have to know what you're looking for. And, you know, be laser focused with your application, preparation, and whatever Avil as highlighted thanks for that. My next question, what I'm trying to ask is one of the common mistakes that job seekers do? You highlight at one thing that, you know sending the same CV to to various applications? And yes, you are highlighted about not preparing for what what the interview or whatever upcoming events? What according to you are others common mistakes that job seekers should avoid?
Avil Pinto 26:56
Hmm. Good. Thank you for thank you for bringing this one of the things which I keep telling people that reach out to me. And as I, as you know that I'm being counseling jobseekers, I do a lot of videos. And I put on put a lot of content out there on the BI Johnson group, which is now the community does more than 18,500 people. One thing, a trend that I've seen is the biggest challenge or a mistake, jobseekers do is not having a proper plan. Okay? Now, the plan is important. And I keep telling people, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. If you fail to plan, you find a plan to fail. So you should have a plan. Now, some people think that I plan and then it doesn't happen the way I plan, okay? It's okay. But it's important to have a plan than not have a plan. Right? It's important to know where you're going then not know where you want to go. It's very important. So let's say I want to go to Abu Dhabi and and then I know that that's my destination, then I can choose different ways to get there, by when I want to get there, how I want to get there, what medium or transport, I would choose to get there. So there are different ways that you could work. So a proper plan. And once you have it, then you can totally walk around connecting the right people. Okay? The second biggest mistake jobseekers do is who they surround with. Right? Super duper important. I'll tell you, probably this would be my first foundation level that I always say start with a good mindset. And mostly what we associate are with people talking, saying the market is challenging. And there's negative enough of negativity around you watch news negative. You meet people that they only like to talk about what is not going well. Okay. Oh, this so many cases today, you know, so many job losses Did you read? And what happens is, your mind is already filled with negativity, and you don't see hope. Right? Whatever belief you have, it will be crushed. So it's always important in life, that you should have a positive optimism empowering mentor, or a coach who would give you the same perspective to which most people fail to see. There's so much negativity as we speak, I've stopped reading news. I only look at business news, because it would not give me it just gives me that knowledge. But the moment I read that news, what is it making me feel? I feel scared, I feel uncertain, there is fear. So by doing by having these kind of feelings, my momentum my energy will drop. So much Would I allow others external circumstances to affect my energy? No. So as a job seeker, the important thing is, you know, avoid all of the negativity first, okay? condition yourself, you can't be 100% positive, you know, and you cannot avoid 100% negative, but what you could do is learn to be in control, right, who you choose to associate with, who you should choose to connect with, who you choose to listen to. Now, these two things you can be in control. So, as a job seeker connect with the right industry professionals or like minded professionals, right, you can't go to you are looking for job in sales and you can go for and and connect with somebody in accountant and ask for the guidance, you will say no, when there are no jobs in sales, now, what will happen to you, he will think that there are no jobs, but if you go to industry professional who is an expert, he will give you more insights about what you should do. So while you do this, while you are doing also the research, understand what is in demand. Now, you might have five years or 10 years experience, you might have worked on a software, you might have done certain things, but the new norm may be expecting you to be digitally strong, probably to advance you in in Excel skills, or in certain way that you communicate. Now, understand these are your gaps. This is the area for improvement. This is called upskilling. Continuously innovate yourself, continuously innovate yourself. And this is the new norm. Okay. And if you continuously keep innovating yourself, you will be hired, whether whether you apply for SSI, or whether you put the SSI out there or not, you will still be hired because they know that you are different, you are special. And how this happened by doing you building your personal brand. Okay, we have your visibility out there. There are social media, some people, I feel I waste a lot of time, but some people invest that time. So know the difference between wasting time investing time, some people literally are building the brand or image that the perception in the community in their social circle, and to the prospective employers they're targeting. And based on that, they're actually building their strategy, how they can get targeted by organizations to be hired. So it's a process. It's not something that that happens overnight. But it's you you have to plan and that's why I'm saying so in the next five years, where do you see yourself accordingly then you should start putting your you know, steps today. Yeah.
Deepak Machado 32:49
Yeah. Thanks. I will thanks for this great insights that you're giving us so quickly, can you in spare time, and job seekers definitely have a lot of spare time? What should somebody do? What should I do? If I have a lot of time? My hand besides applying for jobs? Besides researching, where can I utilize my time? How can I utilize my time effectively? these days specially these days?
Avil Pinto 33:17
Good, good good question super. I love it not many people ask this Okay, as a job seeker, they only think that okay, this is only why we project or assignment but what you should do is when you're during your job search, enjoy every moment because while you're working, you say that you don't have time. Job search you have time 24 hours in your control, okay. Now, what you can do I recommend people to have a strong positive mindset or to be very productive during job search, start your day with meditation gratitude, goal setting Okay, that one hour of your time can be have 23 hours in your control or be more productive do exercise or go for a walk or do some activity that will stretch or have some movement in your body very important, okay. Because when you have something in action, when you when you have when your body's in moment it will build positivity within you it releases positive endorphins which is super important, okay, living in negativity will obviously you know the circumstance or consequences of being negative. So these two things you have to give attention. Now while you do that meditation or gratitude goal setting have a to do list okay, the very clear what you want to do during that day or during that week or complete Monday should have a calendar should have the to do list. Now in to do list, put a KPI that this many number of people I want to connect today this many people that I am going to speak today I would find jobs and I will apply for these many jobs today right. And I defer to saying that sending CV is just not sending service, but am I, my approach whether it is qualitative or quantitative and I say qualitative, and I'm taking time before even I send a CV or make relevant changes before I send a CV. So, I look at time I have a clear task list that from 7am to 9am I will be doing job search this is the best time by far recommended by recruiters or professionals, okay because your mind is fresh and you send a CV and and when it goes into the inbox the employers or the recruiters they start their day they look at the CV which is on top of their inbox 11 to 11 to one you can do a course you can like like I said upskill so you can take courses, you can attend some seminars, you can get into zoom meetings or there are so many today platforms, online platforms like Udemy, Coursera, then YouTube, LinkedIn learning these are the these are the platforms where you can learn so much, which is trending or which is in demand now. Okay, and second half, you can take some rest and, and again, you can do multiple things, multiple things, you can work your passions or hobbies, which can family can eventually help you, you know, monetize, a lot of people today have turned into turned a passions to profession, their hobbies are making them money generating revenues. So you can, you can probably be more creative during this time. So for me having that task list, and having an empowering mentor, and circling around with positivity. And, and I think meditating, exercising and these things will really, really really boost your energy. And and that resonates to other people when they when when you meet or when other people see you. Okay? Imagine you're completely drained with energy, you're frustrated, you're depressed? And would anyone who'd like to hire for an organization? Would you want to see them in that in a job? Okay, working in that kind of, you know, mindset or energy levels? No. So feel yourself the way an organization would want to see new. Okay, feel it, see it, and then accordingly, start working. Right. Nobody wants to hire someone who is negative. So if you are, then definitely understand one thing that it will delay your role. You know, hiring.
Deepak Machado 38:04
Thanks. Another very important aspect that I learned and I've experienced through one of my friends who got a job. This is long time back, maybe five, seven years back, is to talk to people who you know, and who you don't know. So, yeah. Okay, so this happened to my one of my friends. This is a real story. He was traveling on this bus in Dubai. And he was casually talking on a phone he had come here on a visit visa looking for a job, of course, so he was talking to his one of his friends here in Dubai, about his search what happened for the day in the evening. So what happened in the day? And in his conversation, I think somebody heard that he was looking for a job that was in the bus, huh? Okay, somebody heard about him that he was looking for a job. Once the call was over, this other person was a stranger asked him, you know, are you looking for a job and all? He said, Yes, I'm looking for a job, I come and visit, and all stuff. And they start a conversation and is exchanged the numbers on stuff. So after two weeks, the stranger calls my friend and says we have a job in our company. And that was a way one of the big banks.
Avil Pinto 39:19
Wow. Yeah.
Deepak Machado 39:21
So I'm seeing that person screen working there. You know, and if you are in this job seeker's shoes, or if you are in the strangers shoes, if somebody is looking for a job, please help. Yes, world needs more people, like who help each other. Okay, so this is one story that came to my mind when you told these things. So it's very important for us to try conversations with others. It's very important for us to encourage others help each other. So that's when the whole society would be better.
Avil Pinto 39:54
As the speak thanks for bringing this up. Actually, I'm a big big believer in in networking, okay, you never know who is next door, who is the person you meet next, what opportunity that person has in hands is super important to engage to build rapport to, to interact, okay? Just because a person is a stranger doesn't mean that he's a human being is another fellow human being. Okay? He also comes from a place, he also has done certain things. So it's important and I tell people that people are angels, okay? People are Indians, it's all about we getting connected to the right people. Now, with our wisdom or knowledge, we know what is right and wrong. So when you get to know if, if your association or if your connection with that person, not giving that positive signal, then it's okay. Okay, you don't have to work with the rest, you can continue, you can build relationships, you never know that one person might have 100 and thousands of connections. But it's important to connect, it's important to reach out, it's important to ask for help. So there are many things which which I have done a lot of educational videos on this topic, and how people have got jobs and there are enough and more testimonials on this particular topic of networking. And, and, and they're all there in the Job Center. And I really encourage people to go out and then check and it will help them. We have done 69 meetups, Deepak all for free, over 2500 job seekers have attended. Now, most of the time, no matter which speaker would come and deliver a session, they always tell people, you have to reach out to every single connection in your network. Okay, every single person on your phone contact, on your WhatsApp and Facebook should be aware that you're looking for a job. Now that is that that is something that you can do. But many people think that okay, if if they know that you are without a job, it's like, you know, you're like a loser, you're a failure. No, it's not. It's okay. Everybody, somebody or the other had to go through this job search. So it's fine. But it's important to let people know that you're looking for a job. And sometimes your enemy also could connect you to people to get your job. Also, you never know. But but put out there that you're looking for a job let people know. But just not going and spamming people's inboxes or WhatsApp, please help me, please give me a job. They may not be able to help what you could reach out in a way better creative way is okay. Look, I am I have this expertise. Okay, these are my achievements. I'm looking for this particular job. Would you have anybody within your network? Who could you think might need my expertise? This would have a drastic defense of your approach. Okay, where you showcase your expertise, your skills, it could be a small message that you can draft and then you can reach send out to people yesterday, I received a message from someone. Yeah, I don't know, I don't have the connection. I have not saved that number. But the way he approached I really liked it. And now I feel that I want to recommend that person to somewhere you know. So, like, very professional. I loved it the way he approached. Yes. And this is something jobseekers should be doing. Like when you said during this free time, or during the time when they are looking for a job. There's many things job searches the job itself, so but they should have that timeline, they should have an agenda, they should have a task list, etc.
Deepak Machado 44:00
Thanks Avil one more that comes to my mind is most of the time. Job seekers they're shy. Yes, they don't want to come out and say that they have they, they they're looking for a job. They feel that what people will judge or will think about them is I even had this when I was there. But yeah, you have to give up this attitude to achieve whatever you want in life. So with that, I mean, there is so much thing to talk about this topic it goes on and on. But we I think we have exceeded our time by a big margin today. We thought it was 20 minutes, but it went up to a lot longer. But I'm happy that we caught this very important topic today of job search in the new normal. It is not normal these days. So you need that extra effort to you know towards looking for a job. I will just infuse a few words. Do you have any parting words for our for our listeners?
Avil Pinto 44:57
Yeah. Thank you. First thing is invest your time in learning...continuous learning don't think that once you get a job it's it's done. NO, continuous learning because change is world is changing by the day. Your WhatsApp trends are changing by day, Facebook is changing by day, LinkedIn is changing by day...that means you have to also change okay for you to change you got to learn once you learn you got to execute, go to execute and see what will come out of when you execute it. Once you get the good thing, once you the positive outcome that comes then you got to adapt. Okay, start working. So these three simple steps, okay, learn, execute, adapt, learn executed. That's it. And that will prepare you for not only new normal for any given time, the end prepares for the for the winters. Similarly, we as human beings should learn from the end that we have to keep repairing. We have to keep learning we have to keep developing ourselves.
Deepak Machado 46:03
Thank you. Well thank you for your words of wisdom.
Thank you for listening to this episode of Success 10X Podcast where we learned about job search in the new normal. I'm sure you are as inspired as I am to grow and to learn. Our intention with this podcast is to inspire you to higher success. Join us on this journey to success and Success 10X.
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I have one activity or two activities for you today? If you are a job seeker, please follow Dubai Jobs Hunt Facebook group. Today, you will have loads and loads of videos, tutorials real life experience from other job seekers. that's helped a lot of people. And the membership today is roughly around 18,500 as Avil said. Second activity that I have today for you if you are a job seeker is call at least 10 people today who are in your network or in your phonebook and tell them about your situation. Ask them for help in whatever they can, whatever way they can.
I will leave you with this quote from George Eliot who says: "It is never too late to what you might have been. It is never too late to what you might have been."
May you be well, may you be happy and may you find success. See you in the next episode.
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