If you are serious about your job search or your career change, please listen to this episode of Success 10X attentively.
In this episode, we cover the 5 Cs of Effective Job Search. This would apply to anyone anywhere in the world.
In this episode, you will learn
#How to Get Started with your Job Search?
#5 C Model of Your Job Search.
=>CV – Curriculum Vitae
#The Most Important Job Search Strategy!
About the Expert: Avil Pinto
Avil is an HR and supply chain professional based in Dubai. And he is the founder of Dubai jobs hunt a Facebook group. He is a ‘Careerpreneur’, a Toastmaster and a storyteller. He helps individuals to unlock their true potential through life and career coaching and personal branding.
Deepak Machado 0:14
Hello and welcome to Success 10X Podcast. My name is Deepak Machado. In each episode of this podcast, we bring you an inspiring person or a topic to help you to amplify your Success 10X. This podcast is dedicated to you if you are serious about your personal growth or career growth, financial growth and business. I hope this podcast will create a spark and ignite your desires to achieve higher success. Thank you for spending time with us today and let the journey to Success 10X begin.
In today's episode of Success10X we will be talking about how to fast track your job search.And to discuss this we have Avil Pinto. I will is a supply chain professional and founder of Dubai Jobs Hunt a Facebook group for job seekers.
Good morning Avil. How are you doing?
Avil Pinto 1:09
Good morning, Deepak. doing very well. Thank you.
Deepak Machado 1:14
Welcome to this episode on fast tracking your job search, I believe you are the right person to talk about it because you run a very popular Facebook group or Dubai jobs hunt. Can you give a brief background about this group? And where are you headed to this for great.
Avil Pinto 1:33
It all started with a cause to give back to the community. And now I coined it as voluntary social responsibility, which is VSR. So I did back to 2010 when I myself was looking for a job and without a job for five months so that when I left my career from banking, in Bombay, I moved to Saudi Jeddah my sister and brother in law lived there, they said, Okay, I will know you have seven years experience you have done your MBA, so I think you can get get a good job. So I had all this confidence belief that, that I would get a good job. But I never thought that I had to struggle so much to find a job. And it came to a point where I was okay to even do whatever it comes my way. You know, can you imagine like, you know, you you have experience and then suddenly you get to that level where you lose your own self, your own self belief. And I think that was the toughest part for me to think. And, and I landed in a job. But that five months taught me certain life lessons. Okay. And probably that triggered me to at some point in my life, if I can ever do something I can I should help people who are looking for jobs. And by the way, the job that I landed in was HR recruitment. I started as HR generalist with the company that I'm with last 10 years, which is reason company at a Dutch company. It well it's well known for its brand called rainbow Mac across the region. Right.
So started as a HR Generalist, worked in Saudi in Jeddah for one and a half year and then moved to Dubai in 2012. Since then, I've been growing and first five years I did HR then senior HR generalist, then talent management, Talent Development Manager, then eventually moved to supply chain. So I supply an inventory controller and now logistics account manager for Saudi operations. So it's been career wise have been growing, I'm learning of cross functional experience as well. But while I was doing my HR role in recruitment initial years with the company, so I had engagement with a lot of recruiters, consultants, and I had to source candidates, interview candidates. And at some point, I also felt that I wish I could offer more jobs to people. But every organization is limited and I think post 2008 2009 not 2000, not 2008 2018 2017 there was a lot of supply in the market but limited demand. Okay. While candidates were struggling, they were challenged, they were applying for jobs, but they were not getting calls. So knowing that I was in HR people would reach out to me, okay, and somebody or the other within the friend circle, okay, I will is in HR just contact so I would meet them okay.
And spend like one one and a half hour or two hours sometimes and help them with interview preparation, how to write a CV, what all the things should be considered to land a job in this market. And things started working people started getting jobs. So I had testimonials of people who, who kind of met me and landed in jobs. So I had a mentor at that time called Abby shake. He said, I will look, you've been investing a lot of time behind meeting people. And so why don't you do instead of meeting one person in two hours, why don't you meet 10 people into us? I said, how did how would that work? And he gave me the idea of meetups. Okay, so that's where the whole idea of started with the BI jobs and meetup.com so we started hosting meetups, my Remember, it started in September 29 2017. Right, I can't forget that date.
Okay, I went on meetup.com created Okay, what name I should give the by jobs. And I it just came to my mind. And because people looking for jobs here, and then this name would relate.
And that's how Dubai Jobs Hunt started. And, and on meetup.com, we could only host meetups and have communication on email, or on chats there. But we wanted to post vacancies. And that's when meetup started. And then people who attended meetups, they wanted more tools in terms of follow through where to apply what to do, and connect with the right HR professionals. So that's the idea of starting the same name, the BI jobs aren't on Facebook, that idea emerged. And he started with one, which is myself. And today we are more than 20,000 plus professionals to be precise, maybe to 20,300 today. So we have done more than 70 meetups one to one attended by more than 3000 professionals who are the people who are looking for jobs, people are looking at career advancement, personal development, because I believe strongly that it is not just getting a job. But there are many things that are around it to to help you grow, to help you change your career and to live to have that growth mindset. And that's idea that that I always had. And it has become, it has grown beyond the my own expectations. First thing. Second, we have not dedicated we are dedicated every Thursday, we call it a career Thursday of the BI jobs and we collaborated to temperment talks.
And we host speakers from around the world. They come and share their expertise. So in a nutshell, these are the things that made me start the rise of Zen. And I have done more than 200 videos. Yeah, great, great. been hearing good things about you, the Facebook group and All the best to you. Thank you getting back to our topic today. Many of us feel I know when we're searching for a job, I've myself felt a lot of challenges, challenges in the market, maybe there is too much of supply of job seekers in the market. Maybe there is not many vacancies. So where should one start? And then we will move on to the fast tracking the job search. So where should we start when they come to UAE or Dubai? With a job search? Brilliant? I think it's always start with the why. Yeah. Okay, by the way, and having clarity about what you really want. And then focusing and putting your efforts towards that. So when we were talking about in the previous episodes, having that goal having that clear purpose or a vision, okay, even job search, you is a job itself. So one should really be clear about what he or she wants to do. Right? And when you have that clarity in mind, okay, then you have the right focus.
So recently I attended the unleash the power within from Tony Robbins is one of his classic classic training programs. I wouldn't call it a training also it was a life transforming event, by the way. It gave me that kind of an energy and understanding of myself wherein he says that where your focus goes the energy flows. So where your focus goes, energy flows through 90% of people when they're putting in effort for the job search, okay, they keep multiple options, which is good, but at the same time, what exactly what efforts that you're putting it is what matters. So we'll talk about it in detail. I think When I'll give you certain tips on how to fast track job search, but for me, the simple thing is, knowing what you want, and then working around it to make it happen. Great. So let's get into your secret sauce of fast tracking the job, you said that you have something secret for us, for for all of us, that you have over the years, you know, built, and, you know, maybe made it what you call customized or made it more effective. So let's get into that how to fast track my job search, for example, how do I start? Where do I go? Or you said something about you have a secret ingredient shared with us please? Yes, great, thank you, I have a very simple model, which which I use in everything that I do. So I relate with mnemonics. So this is called the five c model. And I think for the audience over listening, it will be the most useful tip for you. So, so phi C's Let me tell what the five C's are. And then I'll explain one by one. Okay. And if you have any questions and you can interrupt in between and you know, you can, you can also ask. So the first is the first C is conditioning. The second C is CV, curriculum within the third C is confidence. The fourth C is connecting. And the fifth C The most important one is communication. Right? And this five C's is basic it works it's a recipe for not only for job search, but for many many things but if you replace the second c okay into the CV, you can replace it something else but in Job Search the second C is CV super important. Now, let me come to the first thing which is conditioning what is conditioning? Right? So we are conditioned to think to act to behave in certain way. So right now, I've been doing certification in NLP. So most of this is practitioner and coaching certification and and one thing that I realized while I was doing nlp, nlp is neuro linguistic programming, I want to be an NLP coach for life and career everything that we do okay starts initiates with our thought and thought has thought provokes us thought makes us translate our thoughts into certain language right now, there is something which is going on in my mind, and I am saying certain things when I say language, it doesn't mean that English or any other language, but it's the way what I look at the words that I choose to say, okay. So language also means my communication which is verbal and nonverbal, right, how do how do I say it? And then finally, is the neuro linguistic programming the programming is basically your behavior? How do I how do I, how do I behave, okay, or feel in the way that I do things? Now, while I learned this, one important thing that that I learned I've been learning and be prior to NLP, also, with with I was being coached as well, and I've been listening to reading so many books, every book that I have read, okay, gives emphasis on, on our conditioning, on our beliefs, okay? How I am, how I'm thinking about a particular situation, circumstance experience. And that gives makes, that makes us who we become, okay. So what we think is what we become thoughts also have the ability to create things, right. And, conditionally is nothing but who are we from? where we come from our nature and nurture. Okay. And that has a biggest influence in everything that we choose to do. Now, we are looking for a job, okay. And then I'm telling myself like for example, if I'm a job seeker, stepping into the shoes of a job seeker and I'm just presenting that no, I'm in this market, the market is challenging, there is Corona. Companies are downsizing people there is so much of competition, what would be where would I stand will I get a job? Okay, everybody saying that just take up whatever comes. Salary brackets are not as much as that I desire.
Now, imagine I'm thinking to myself, now, if I keep thinking to myself, the challenges, the negativity and limitations, how confident I would be to go with that excitement, towards my job search or towards my success. So conditioning is something which one should understand how are you thinking? Okay? So self belief is one big factor here. What do you talk to yourself? It's called self talk. And if you say, I don't think I'll get a job, I think I'll go back. Right. And the moment you say it, you're lost your battle, he lost it. So it is important to condition yourself that I have the experience, I deserve to get a job, there are companies who need my expertise, who want to hire me, I'm an asset for any organization that I joined, I have am skillful, I have the qualifications, I have the experience, and I deserve to be having the job I deserve to get my expected salary remuneration. Now, this is something which you need to internalize, one should internalize towards the goal. So if you want to be getting a job in HR, then you should say, Okay, I have done, you have to be proud of what you've done, you have to be feeling great about what you've achieved, what you've done, what you've sold in your previous organization. And based on that, you have to start making this as your mantra. Okay, there's something called positive affirmations empowering beliefs. For more information, I can have a guided process with it. But but in a nutshell, conditioning matters. So the positive conditioning takes you towards progress, the negative conditioning always limits you, it it, it challenges you, you feel that okay, your life is always difficult, you you feel that every nothing comes easy. And I've been a victim of this, you know, but I will go back to my job search in 2010, when, when I landed Saudi, most of the people that I that I met or started sharing the CV, they said, I will look seven years experience you need to let go, you have a unique experience of Saudi market, which you don't have. So you have to start fresh. So I said, Yeah, I have worked seven years, I have grown from a junior level to an admin manager. So I am capable. And this is self confidence that I had. And while everybody said I will you cannot expect salary more than 4000 5000 rounds, okay. And my expectations was three times of that, okay? Because that was average salary bracket for for for care talent are a candidate with that experience. And when I told my expectations, people started laughing at me.And later, I realized that people who love to people who didn't believe they were working in that same job for 10 years, or 20 years, and they never had that salary bracket. And how would they, they support me in terms of telling, okay, I will you can expect that salary. So that is the first thing that I realized that if I ever want to, if I ever want to have that empowering support from people, that means I have to associate with those who are already five x or 10 x ahead of me, who are who are much more in terms of whoever tude and then they can give me that support or guidance. And that's where the there's a very famous score, do you know you become an average of the five people you surround? Who do you listen to? Who do you associate? Okay, what are their thought patterns? What do they say? And this is where I changed when I change. My Association everything started changing for me. And it was a miracle. The book The way I pursued job search, and I just went went on speaking to people wherever I met even on the road even a taxi driver everyone that I was, you know, I just started telling them that I'm looking for a job. So while there were there are certain communities from mango or Bombay and Indian associations, there are many people in in Jeddah who actually supported I'm a very grateful okay, but in that there is one person who sent my CV to person who was residing in Jeddah but then moved to migrated to Canada. Who, who, who knew my family Okay, my dad, right. And he knew my dad. So and, and he knew where I come from. And he from Canada sent my CV to all his connections in Java. So that CV landed in an email box of a person who picked up the call and spoke to me. And he said, I will look, there is a event that is happening, why don't you come and join and I was new that time, and I didn't know anybody. So but I made it. And that was a game changer. For me, I went for that event, purely as a stranger amongst 50 people. Okay, nobody I knew. I just carried my pen and a small chip, you know, the pocket diary, the small book, to take notes of all the email ids and contact numbers, and then later to send a CV. I think that day was I met my angel of my life, who then referred me to an organization, which is where I'm working today. So you can imagine. So it, the conditioning that I had to myself was that I will meet the right people who will help me to land in a good job. Okay. Now I didn't asks for somebody to give me a job. But I believed, I believed within me that I deserve a certain expectation which I had in my mind, and it was non negotiable, because I knew I was worth, okay, I'm worthy to deserve a job, which will pay so much. And when the everybody said that HR and admin job is not meant for you, because at that time, there was a huge dry for Saudi ization, where all these jobs were referred or offered to only local Saudis. Everyone that I met, they said, I will, you can't get a job in that profession. Again, I challenged there is a company which will hire me, okay, for the role. And I also visualized, okay, one part of the conditioning is a visualization, which is also called, you feel, you feel where you want to be, okay, feel the work environment, feel the work atmosphere, feel how many employees an organization would have would whether you want to be in a multinational company or whatever, okay, feel the salary coming into your account, and feel what all you can do with that salary? Right. And when you think of all these elements of all these things, it's like you're created a movie, you created a movie out of your life, okay, you already seen what is ahead of you. So this is what I call it, visualization process. Now, this is phenomenal. And it worked wonders for me. I did this day and night, whenever I could, while I was sleeping. And, and the irony is the book that when I landed in Geneva, so my sister always drank this used to buy milk, which is of the alumni brand, okay? For a change since her since her brother is arrived. So she wanted to try a different brand, which is rainbow milk. Okay. And in one day, I love milk, okay, because I've come from a background of, you know, grazing cows, and you know, living around farming, and I also make milk the cows. At some point, I wondered, you know, it was such a crazy feeling that, that I wanted to be associated with dairy, okay. A nd little bit, I knew that I would be lying in a job, which is a daily organisation, any industry,
Deepak Machado 24:00
The passion that you speak, Avil, it brings out, you know, why you are doing what you're doing? So thank you for that. from whatever you spoke about conditioning, I think it is very important for whoever is watching this or listening to this podcast episode, that you become what you believe you you want to be. That's the basic fact that I also have learned. You have a goal, how to believe that you want to achieve that, if you don't want to, if you don't believe yourself, then who else will believe, May be your parents will believe but internally, you don't believe yourself that you are, you're worthy of something. This is what it is. If you have a target job, if our target salary, believe that you are meant for that, believe that there is something waiting for you. If you don't internalize that message within yourself or you don't talk to yourself about who you are and what you want. There's nobody else will do that.
Yes, There is god and there is power much above what that power is waiting for you to believe in yourself. Many people I think many most of us even let me not put many people in myself I thought I was not worthy of whatever you know, I will when I came to the same thing I also struggled although had a good job back in India I I said okay, let me come here and look for something better, but internally, I thought, Okay, let me have any job you know. I believe that a mistake I did. But you know, maybe it then later I realized that okay, I deserve something better. Yeah, I this is something the next job I had was much, much higher level, at much better salary, better income, and many things worked out for me. So Avil conditioning you said is a point number one, this is a most basic, if you are a job seeker, if you want to change your job you want your conditioning, the self talk you have with yourself is more important than anything.
Avil Pinto 26:06
Deepak Machado 26:07
So let's move on to the next point, I will also have a second point
Avil Pinto 26:10
And also just to add to conditioning and very important thing if somebody wants to be have the right conditioning, then a person may not be aware, okay, that I am, you know, having this self talk, I have discovered lately that I have limited my own progress because of what I've been talking to myself, okay. I always believed that I'm not good enough, okay. And I broke these patterns in my head that I am more than enough and I'm worthy to deserve the best in my life. Okay, I'm meant for greatness. So when you start speaking this language to yourself, okay, then the conditioning goes that way. So for people who really get stuck there, okay. That is the first step to identify, what am I thinking and what is the challenge. So not the challenge is not the market challenge is not the job challenge is nothing but to yourself. So if you want to identify then either you should have the right mentor, you probably need a coach or an expert, who has already walked the path towards in the direction of, of you who you choose to be okay, probably I would call it as a model or a role model. Yeah. So that's very important. So let me next move to the second C which is CV. Right? I think 80 87% proven statistics wherein employers or recruiters reject the candidates just based on the first instrument, which is a see. Now the PR guy, I feel pity, you know, we have, we study for 2023 years, we do masters, we invest so much in terms of getting the qualification or education to learn in that job. But unfortunately, you're not taught to present in the way organizations would look in for candidates. They just dump their you know, who they are in in two pages, or three pages or five pages, which sometimes is not good enough for a recruiter to choose you over other candidates. So I want to stress here today that we individually cannot go to organizations to present ourselves, you may be amazing, you could be excellent in what you do. But how would an organization know your worth? that only comes through that one page two page CV? your LinkedIn profile? Your social profiles also are right now are influencing in terms of your hiring. So how do you choose to present yourself? So I tell people in during sessions and you know, even one to one? coaching, I tell them that look, keep your house clean. Keep your house impressive. Keep your house where people would like to come in, not see and go. And when I say keep your house, what is your house? Your profile. So today, most of the organizations are looking to hire people from LinkedIn, even recruiters, it's easy target for people to to source, or find the right talents on LinkedIn. Now, how is your LinkedIn profile?
Do you have a good professional image of yourself? Have you summarized your experience? Do you have write recommendations from people? Right? Have you updated all your expertise, additional skills and your voluntary services that you that you have or that you do so all of the things Okay, when it comes to CV, one of the things you have to understand that one shoe doesn't size fit every size. Okay? One shoe doesn't fit all sizes. So one CV doesn't fit all the jobs that you're applying. Now when I say all jobs, if you're an admin person, let's say it's a very generic role, every organization would call it a title as probably admin, Officer admin manager or sometimes it could be HR and admin officer or manager. So now if you want to land in a job, and you have pre prior experience of admin operations, or similar skill sets, or the nature of job would have you would have been done previously. But the job description, the expectations from the employer for the job that you're applying probably be different. So it's important to know the job description and understand the keywords understand what they're looking for from precisely looking from the candidate. So you should build in or tailor make your CV to match close to not hundred percent you can't copy paste the job description in your CV, but somewhere be be smart understand, if you put yourself in the hrs role or in the recruiters role, and understand what that person would be looking from that candidate and accordingly tailor make your CV I think this is a very simple technique or a tool that I tell people that tailor make your CV, okay? And now when you make tailor make or customize your CV doesn't mean that you put in something which you are not done. Okay, don't mistake that. So, when I say customizing, it just is all about looking at your prior experience and clearly making that CV which will relate yourself 70 to 60 to 70% of the job that you're applying, okay. So, by this way, you can actually have you be you can be in the pool of the shortlist. Because right now, you also should understand a CV should be as compliant you should have a standard format which is HTS compliant, which is called the applicant tracking system. Because for a job thousand applications, you know, come in now how it's it's not human for somebody to open all thousand series. So, there are tools available wherein systems like eight years old help organizations to shortlist they put in the keywords and automatically you know, the bunch of CVS which match exactly those keywords or experience would would be would be shortlisted. So, knowing all these things, you should custom make plus you should have the ATS compliant CV and also what should see we consists of Okay, I would strongly support achievement based CV. Now, I could have done 10 things hundred things in my lifetime or in my 10 years 15 years experience. But out of that whatever I achieved, what I've contributed what are the results that have that have brought for the organization if that is not visible in the CV, that means then it's like I have 100 people, there are 100 people also have done it right Why should I consider you. So achievement based CV is nothing but writing your CV based on what you have achieved, what you have resulted in, in what you've done, okay. So, showcasing your achievements.
For example, you might have been awarded for something that you have done exceptionally you have worked in different projects for cost optimization or bringing efficiency or redesigning the processes. So, these are the things which are important and this is where organizations that look at will look in candidates, how is it different from others okay. And and again, conditioning also matters You should also have good attitude positive behaviors and all this that again comes number one for organizations, you may not have the right skill set, but if you have the good attitude to learn and grow, that also matters sometimes. Right so CV I give you three tips. One is custom make your CV second is building achievement by CV and third have the right format. And like it is compliant and everything. So for those Yeah, the bad guy I feel that some people who know a lot of things but they are not able to put in what do I how do I write it? Okay. There are tools available recently for me. It's so many people reach out and I cannot sit and write CV for somebody, but I can help someone. Okay, there is a guided process, which is which keeps all elements of somebody to find a job in the UAE. And I have a friend who, who runs an organization called impressive CV, and she's helped many many people, okay, she said I will I want to help the by jobs and community and I have designed certain courses at a very minimal price, okay. And you look at those modules, those courses, and you can understand that how simple that you can tailor make your CV or custom make your CV or or she also gives the format which is the HTS compliant format. So, if somebody is keen, then we can share that link, where she is offering the modules and you can refer that you can, it is a self help, wherein you can learn by yourself and you can do it you don't have to give your CV to somebody and then that person would build an amazing CV, but it is not you. It has to present you it has to be you, actually, yeah.
Deepak Machado 36:20
Great. One. One aspect I would love to add is for many jobseekers, to realize that your CV is your marketing pamphlet. It's a marketing material for you. You're selling your services and your companies are bidding for it. So who is impressive in their CV? Who shows compared to CVS and see, you know, is it visually appealing? That also matters? Is it does it have what the employer is looking for that also matters a lot of things matter. So consider it as your one chance to market yourself to somebody else, you're selling your service. So what do you not want yourself to have a good CV, the best marketing material. S o think from that perspective, and I think you will do very good for yourself. We will also share the link of impressive CV as I will spoke, Avil let's go to the third point, the third, third C of your five C's for fast tracking job search.
Avil Pinto 37:18
So the third say is confidence. Now if I'm the right conditioning, and if I if I know who I am, okay, so that comes through a CV, automatically, you should have the ability to build your own confidence, right? In case if you if you lack self confidence, you have to prepare now what do you have to prepare on? Okay, prepare on presenting what you would speak. Okay, you should prepare yourself for the top five, eight questions most frequently asked interview questions for the job that you're applying. And when you prepare, when you know exactly what to say, right. Now, most of the people they know what to say, but what they miss out on the major part of the element is a job seeker has to be a good listener.
Now, the other side of the table could be the HR manager or the hiring manager who would expect you to respond in a certain way which will place him which will probably give him that confidence to hire you Okay. Now, you based on your experience, you may say something, but it may not relate to what he would like to hear or listen. So first digest the question. And then think what he is looking for and then accordingly articulate your answer or response. So sometimes the what happens is with the stress of getting that job with that desperation that oh my god if I don't get it, so we try to oversell we try to impress with try to say things which is, which is not required. And that's what people still lose out on getting hired or selected. So it's very important to have the right confidence, okay, now the right confidence will come from having the right preparation for and that preparation is you have to go deep dive you have to go through your day one of your job and knowing where you work. And there are many organizations who will say okay, well in your first job, what did you learn? And then the person will say, Oh, I forgot. I don't know where I worked. Also there. There are people that we have interviewed who doesn't even remember where they've worked so imagine now that doesn't give us the right confidence. I mean, as as you know, people who are taking interviews, yeah, just if I get I interrupted you saying so?
Deepak Machado 39:51
Yeah, no, no, I was saying you know, you you went on to that same point. So how to build confidence is preparation, nothing else preparation. It doesn't come when you're born. Maybe for some people, yes, but not for me, I, I was very shy guy when I was growing up, even right into my 20s, I was very shy, then I saw my son somewhere I'm lacking, I'm lacking in something, okay? That is the competence that is a competence to face people. So how to build how I started building is to put yourself in, in those, those kind of situations. Okay? If you lack confidence, go and meet a group of people who you don't know maybe, and try to speak to them, try to strike a conversation. If you are in a gathering, if you're in a seminar or webinar, wherever ask questions, build your confidence, this is the best thing you can do to yourself. Because that will not only help you it will, it is it is accumulating every time you do something it's accumulating. So recently happened to me, I presented to my, my company, the senior level, I had to do some activities for them. I was very nervous. Then I thought about the past events that have done and I built on that and I started presenting and I I was not nervous, I was happy about myself that I was not knows. Also joining Toastmasters has helped me; joining other other association that helped me because I put myself in those situations that I am confident to speak to people. So you have the practice. Sometimes practically doing it also will help you like going and meeting group of people you don't know, bingo. Very important. So to build a confidence. So let's move on to the next point. Point number four. So we talked about conditioning, we talked about CV, we talked about confidence, what is the next Avil
Avil Pinto 41:42
Connecting. So when we have when we have these three dots connecting, you can connect to the right people, you can engage with the right people, I think you can present also very well, like you said, Go into associations go and meet people who in whom you don't know, okay? Imagine if I don't have my foundation, right? And I'm going and meeting people. And I'm like, not talking or I'm shy, I'm not confident. And even though you might be meeting a prospective person who could be or Angel of your life, and if you're unable to, in that 60 seconds, make an impression, or say what you really want or even if you're looking for a job if he says what kind of job you're looking for, okay, why do you think you need this job? What, what drives you to, to, to, to, to be in this job? And if you're lost, if you're not able to, to say it, then you lost that moment. So it's very important, you never know. Okay? When you are doing job search everybody, most of the people, it's it's kind of a mindset, right? That's why it's a condition is important, you have to keep telling yourself that that you already have a job, okay? So which means that you wake up early morning, okay, not late like to Allah to I know people who don't have a job, let me sleep, they end up sleeping late in the afternoon, and then they get up the half day is gone, and there is no energy left in them to to kind of put in those right efforts. So where I'm coming from is you have to have the right energy. Now the right energy comes from having of him having a day wherein you probably do exercise, meditate, write your goals, do your gratitude, things like this. So that keeps you energetic. And when you meet some people that energy radiates with them. So when I say connecting it just not about talking to people, it just not about sending that request on LinkedIn, that I'm looking for a job would you help me, it's the energy that you also carry in what you say. And that's very important. So connections play an important role. But while you are connecting, what energy you are flowing, right? So imagine you're connecting to somebody in your mind, I don't think this person would help me. Okay, then you're radiating energy already in your mind that this person is not going to help...khallas... that is done. So it's important to have the right energy and why you connect. So now what are who are the people you should connect?
Number one, you should connect with the like minded professionals, people who are within the interest of the similar job that you would like to land or in the job that you want to grow. So if you're an HR professional, ask yourself how many HR professionals you are connected to. How many people that you know, within your circle, if you don't know it's okay. Do you know your friends and family Do they have any kind connections. Imagine if you know 50 people 50 people are working in certain organizations, that means they know that HR, correct. Now, how would you connect those second degree connections? You may not know them directly. Like for example, Deepak, I know, you, you or your company as HR by default. So, if I reach out to you and ask you tell, and if I tell you the perk, look, I'm looking for a job, would you help me to float my CV across your circle, particularly, or HR. So, this is how I connect. But before I connect to him, if I tell myself, that man, I know the puck, I don't think he will help me. So, that's, that's the wrong foot to step into and do things. So this is important. So first degree connections and second degree connections, and provided that you are connecting to the right people. And these are the people who will value your worth. Right? So there are many people like, I'll give you a simple example. A young young lady, okay, you know, just early 20s just finished her graduation and topper in her engineering. And came here, she was a she wanted to be a web web developer. And she came here and her with immediate circle of friends and family who live whom she knew one of her uncle said that that you cannot find a job this is not in demand for this, you have to go back to India, okay. And, and within the 30 days, what she believed it all crushed, because of the circle of friends or family who they, they didn't believe that she would get a job in, in this profession. So after 30 days, she was very depressed. She somehow she got connected to the VA jobs, and she met me at a one on one chat. First thing I asked her Who, who, who is guiding you in terms of your job search? He said, My uncle first said that you will not get a job, you'll have to go back. And I think What's your job? uncle's profession? She said sales. Okay. So how would he know about web designing, web developing and it and all of this? there? Not much. So do you think what he says is right? He says, I don't know. Okay, let's do one thing. How many people are connecting connected to the professionals who were in in similar to what you want to do? Not much, maybe two or three? Where are they located? in Bangalore? Oh, my God. So you've been in Dubai? So you want a job in Dubai? And you're not connected to the like minded professionals? No, I will I don't know how to connect where to go. Okay, I sat with the I showed a LinkedIn. I said, Okay, now put web developers in UAE. Guess what happened Deepak....there were more than 500 connections 500 people who are in that profession. And on that same day, I told her take it as a challenge, connect with these people connect with these people, telling them, you know, writing to them, not just you're looking for a job, but then you want to associate and learn and, and, and grow. And she did that and she started connecting. And out of the she sent first 28 requests in the next 48 hours. About 15 to 16 people accepted a connection out of that one person became kind of a guide for when he said that even I struggled even everybody said that this profession has no scope, but I've got a job. And here are the list of all the HR people that I connected during my job search, take it, this is what you can do. And she started she got that database from him. And she connected, she sent her requests. She sent emails and guess what she got job offers from from those connections. Now, connections are everywhere. We have it all around us it just that how do we connect with them? O kay, so that is about connections now.Last one,
Deepak Machado 49:30
Before that, I also want to say something you know, yes, I think it is a most underestimated aspect of job search in Dubai. People think but just by sending a CV and randomly thousand people, people are going to call you which is not going to happen. Just to be realist here is not going to happen. may happen maybe 1% 2% but majority and those people will respond to you. Maybe it's irrelevant jobs for you. Maybe you're not looking for the jobs. Connection. Our networking is the linchpin of your job search. This is what I can say, out of experience out of experience only this I am saying... personally experience also people in my close circle my friends have got. And I think there is a very unique thing about Middle East. I mean, wherever it is advanced recruitment is fine, or the Middle East is unique is that networking is the number one factor to land a job. Yeah. Okay. You know, someone who knows someone who knows someone is this thing, you know. So please, if you are looking for a job, don't limit yourself to people, you know, already know, you have to go out there, put yourself out there and be courteous towards others, don't ask for job, please. You know, try to have a two way conversations. And also say that you're looking for a job, but don't ask for a job. Nobody is sitting there to give jobs to you. Nobody's selling jobs. So you have to build your network, day in day out with a positive mindset of not only receiving also giving, Don't be selfish, when you send a LinkedIn connection, that you're looking for a job, that is not the way it works. You have to network in a way that is beneficial for both of you. Okay, so let's move on to the final C, Avil, please can we have it?
Avil Pinto 51:23
The the ultimate, which is Communication. So I might do everything, right. But if I fail in my communication, then I lose it again. Imagine if I didn't have the communication skills to interpret or share what I have in my mind to you or this or the last 14 minutes. I don't think I would have made justice to the time. So it's very important to communication is art of leadership. Okay, communication is art of leadership. So, it is not what you say it is how you say it is what it is not who you know, it is. It's about Sorry, I need to correct this, okay. It's about not what you say it is how you say very important to understand. So, everything that we have to present, we should make it a point that it is effective to look at both verbal and nonverbal communication, how you stand how you say it, how you present matters a lot. Okay, so the nonverbal communication accounts to approximately about 55% of your communication, right? It's not the verbal communication, it's verbal communication plays a very minimal role. But your nonverbal communication plays a very important role. Right? So you have to engage yourself in presenting in the best way possible. And for that, again, you have to go back and start preparing, do mirror exercise, talk to people, challenge your friends, tell them okay, I want to prepare for interview, who do you listen to the questions? Would you listen to what I say? And give some feedback? Find a coach, find a mentor, find somebody who you think you can trust and, and, and prepare yourself, okay? Don't think that you're alone in your life. There are people, if you have people who who can hang out with you who can go for movies, there are people who can sit with you and help you for your job search as well. It just said you have to ask for help. Right? If you don't ask, then nobody will know that you want help. Okay, or nobody would know that you're seeking for help. So communication by far is been, again underestimated the, we learn we have degrees, but then if you're not able to communicate well, we lose it, we lose it and I'll tell you something most I have limited myself. My growth by not having that, that confidence that I can speak up I can I can share my ideas. Okay, oh, what if people laugh at me? What if I'm not able to say the way people would get impressed? Now right now as I speak, I may not be using the right vocabulary. Or I may be speaking in the best way possible. But I believe that the more I speak, the more I communicate is more I learn this, they say right, the more you share, the more you learn. So the more I am sharing, I learned myself. So it's important to let go of all these limiting factors of I'm not good enough or I'm not a good communicator. I can't speak good English. Okay. It's okay. Not everybody is born with knowing everything. So you can practice it's a skill. It's a skill, which you can practice a skill you can learn, it's a skill you can grow. So just practice, practice and practice and practice. And with this, you can become an amazing speaker as well. And then you can implement can be impressive. Yeah.
Deepak Machado 55:21
Yeah. Great. I mean communication, I believe is the is the ultimate as you said, there is nothing beyond that, if you are a good communicator, you can be and there is there is there is no limit to your achievements. Also, I think a lot of dreams die, or are not realized because, you know, I mean, people miss out on communication. So we we take it for granted. What we speak, how we communicate verbal, more than that more so nonverbal cues that we give out in our communication, the emails we write, how we ask for things, how we give things out, how we put things out, all this matters. So I believe it's been a very, very long episode. And I'm happy that it is long, because it is very important for people to know how to fast track their job search is very important. And we are trying to do just that better to help you in a way with your job search. I'm happy if somebody gets some positive out of this. Thank you for listening to this episode of Success 10 x where we learned about fast tracking your job search, I'm sure you're as inspired as I am to learn and to grow.
Avil if there is one thing, one thing that a job seeker can do to fast track. What would that be?
Avil Pinto 56:41
I would say just close your eyes and visualize what you want. And just live in the moment feel it. And that is the most empowering it gives you that spark of energy which you have no idea when I did sessions, when I made a simple one minute exercise of closing our eyes and being in that state of mind, which can change everything because during job search the biggest challenges you will only see what you don't want. Okay? What is not in your favor, that will not help. So put yourself in that shoes, believe and prepare and present. That's it uses five C's and the life can change. Superbowl superb.
Deepak Machado 57:30
Yeah, our intention is to help you inspire you to achieve higher success. Join us on this journey of success and Success X. Please subscribe to our podcast on Apple podcasts and Google podcasts or your favorite podcast app. To contact our will please email Avil [email protected]. Subscribe to Success10X next newsletter at SUCCESS10X.CO, to receive tools, tips, book recommendation and strategies of the ultra successful people. We will have similar and more episodes on this in this line. So I would also appreciate if you rated us five star on the iTunes podcast. It helps a lot to spread the word and spread the knowledge and help each other; will also help us grow. Please tell your friends and family and share link to this podcast in your family friends WhatsApp group.
So activity that I have for you today. If you are a job seeker, please reach out to five people who you have not called in the last six months and tell them about your situation. Please do that can help you a lot. May you be well, may you be happy and may you find success. See you in the next episode.
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